Every year the first 30 minutes of our first meeting of the year is taken up by the AGM, where the accounts are scrutinised and new and past committee members are elected / re-elected. This year’s AGM included one notable event. Being awarded a Honorary Life Membership is is rare event in our Club – to date only three people have been awarded this prestigious honour. So I’m delighted to report that we have a new Honorary Life Member – our Vice President Keith Brown FRPS! Keith has a string of photography related distinctions – too many to list in this web-post, and has served our club for many years. This new honour reflects the esteem that members hold for Keith and the work that he’s done for Castleton & Hope Valley Photographic Society!
A New Year in our photographic society brings a new Chair. So after the formalities of the AGM, Ian Stanyon handed over to our 2020 Chair – Joan Clough. From memory (not always reliable at my age) Joan has been a member of our Club for at least a decade. Joan, aided by the projected screenshot shown below, talked about upcoming events:
Then, as is the tradition, our new Chair talked about her interest in photography, showing images of her family and places near and far. Joan attended university in Newcastle, and later spent some years with her husband Tony in Canada. More recently Joan revisited Newcastle with members of her family, and talked about the new Newcastle Quay, with its new bridge (shown below) to supplement the historic bridges that cross the River Tyne. I’ve selected four of these images simply to give a taste of the topics Joan covered.