Synopsis of May 12th meeting

The first half of the meeting was taken up with members handing in their precious images for the 2016 CHVPS exhibition. With two categories, “Street Scenes” and General” it kept Ian and Ann on their toes logging them all while other members drank tea!
We have 81 images entered, 57 General and 24 Street Scenes.

Alan hinchcliffe used his time lapse equipment to capture the hand in

The second half of the meeting started with a welcome form Kate and her handing out certificates to winners/commended from the 2015 exhibition who miss receiving them at the Christmas meal.
Well done to Steve Elliot, Susan Hughes and Les Nixon.

We were the treated to 6 members beating the clock showing images in just 10 minutes each.

Keith Brown – Showed images from an event run by Mercy Ships. A charity funding hospital ships traveling to part of the world with little or no health care. The rich and famous eating a posh dinner funding these ships. Great cause.
We then travelled with Keith to his beloved Switzerland, with stunning images of blue sky’s, mountains and high meadows of summer flowers. Lovely.

11. DSC_1801a

Joan Clough – Off to Malta with Joan, who has family living there. Lovely  shots of the harbours and images of the homes of the locals. Joan gave a short insight to the history of Malta along with her husband’s  place in it.

Susan Hughes – What I’ve been up to. Susan has been experimenting  with photoshop and filters. Taking images of moving water (as we have had a lot over the last year!), moving to autumn colour to great effect.
Susan then moved on to a sequence of photos documenting the demolition of one of the Mills in Glossop. Great record and  interesting images.

Alan Hinchcliffe – Took us on an entertaining  trip with over 3000 images  in a time lapse show.
Alan has invented equipment to achieve a great fun result of moving water and the stars of the show the sheep in Winnats Pass!

Jess Hinchcliffe – A fun show from Jess with her Pokemon models and others. A great set up with them having a Easter egg hunt. Jess then moved them outdoors to great effect as they sat happily in nooks and crannies of trees and rock.


Ian Stanyon – Transported us to Scotland’s Mull. With great images of the moody sky at it best over sea and mountains of the far North West. Ian displayed colour images, as you wouldn’t believe the colour of the sea in Scotland and some monochrome lending itself to the moody sky’s.

Keith and Kate thanked all 6 members for an entertaining evening.

Synopsis of April 14th meeting

12Fry MartinRPS RibbonStorm ForceOur Chairman Kate is unwell, thus Jason stepped in to temporarily take Kate’s place. Jason announced that Kate’s previous long illness, has returned and that on Wednesday Kate received treatment at a Sheffield hospital. Kate hopes to be sufficiently fit to return for the May meeting. At the close of the meeting, on behalf of the club members, Chris O gave Keith a bouquet of flowers and asked that Keith communicate our best wishes to Kate.

Jason announced that this year’s competition entries are to be handed in at next month’s meeting. Details of the competition, categories, sizes of prints, etc. are on the website – click on to this link for further information:

Competition entry slips were made available to members as they left the meeting. If you haven’t a copy of this slip, contact me – Ian (my phone number and email address are shown on the back page of this year’s programme.).

Martin Frysheep

The theme for this year’s monthly informal meeting at the Angler’s Rest is ‘emotion’. But if you haven’t any suitably emotive images, bring any image along that you’d like to share with other members. Here’s the link to this informal meeting on our ‘2016 programme’:

Martin Fryt creative-life

This month’s speaker was Martin Fry, FRPS AFIAP BPE4* APAGB. Martin first became involved with AV’s in the late 70’s and has known Keith B since then. Keith has been trying to persuade Martin to present a selection of his AV’s for some time.    So this evening Keith & members of C&HVPS were rewarded with Martin’s ‘Cotswolds and Cornish Cream’ AV selection. We were treated to landscapes; winter scenes; a sequence about the Seven Bore; the sculptor Barbara Hepworth; the annual Trevithick Day in Cambourne, Cornwall, and much more. Members were able to see why Martin has a such string of honours after his name, as he’s a photographer of significant stature.


K&K’s Audio Visual presentation extravaganza – Good Friday Mar 25 2016

      DSC_0795_colour1     1KateProjectorKeithSpeakingKeith & Kate recently completed their follow up to Grease Gaskets & Gears. You’ll recall that many members visited Les Lennon’s boot factory in Stoney Middleton and took photographs of this important mill – the last factory in the UK to be producing boots. The factory goes back to the late 1800s when Les’s grandfather opened the mill and started production.

  1Bamford yesteryear   1Bamford snowK&K honed down their latest AV: ‘These boots…’ with Les narrating, and gave their premier of their latest AV. The venue was the YHA’s Losehill Hall, where 71 members and visitors enjoyed what was truly a feast for the eyes and music to the ears. MANY thanks to Alistair and Gillian for making this superb venue available for our fundraising AV Night. – where they and their team also provided tea and coffee. Net takings for this truly enjoyable event amounted to just of £300, which will be banked until we can accumulate sufficient funds to purchase a new projector for the club.

1R Clemmons Lanc                                1LadybowerLancaster





Here’s a list of the contributors to the AV programme:

  1. Gardom’a Edge – Steve Elliott;
  2. Bamford Village – Richard Clemmons
  3. Beep Beep – Kate Brown;
  4. Jewel in the Crown – Kate Brown;
  5. Bamford Edge – Richard Clemmons;
  6. Grease Gaskets & Gears – Keith & Kate Brown; then the mid evening interval
  7. Castleton Ancient & Modern – Keith & Kate Brown;
  8. Carhead Rocks – Steve Elliott;
  9. Peace & Love – Keith Brown;
  10. Stanage Edge – Steve Elliott;
  11. These boots …. – Keith & Kate Brown;
  12. 12 Blessings – Kate Brown.

unspec1SteveE AV    1K&KPresentAVImages courtesy of Nick Chalkley (and his new lens – bought last week at the Photo Show at the NEC)


Synopsis of March 10th meeting & other info

Paul 1Firstly, if you’ve forgotten that on Good Friday evening it’s our AV night at Losehill Hall. Look at the header on or website (above) to refresh your memory. Without doubt it’s going to be a great night, with an opportunity to see AV’s from some of the most talented photographers in our club: K & K, Steve,  etc., etc. Contact Keith or me (Ian) to secure your places, as quite genuinely I’m nervous that the theatre at YHA’s Losehill Hall will be filled to capacity – or more!

 Paul 2Secondly, we are now members of North East Midland’s Photographic Federation (NEMPF). Along with third party insurance, we can draw upon a huge range and number of talented photographers. Kate & Keith are working hard to secure some of these talented photographers to present their work to us at club meeting later on in our continuing programme. The committee are also working hard to  find some new and interesting places to visit for social/photographic days and evenings. So if you have any ideas please contact Kate.

Wendy 5Thirdly, our meeting in May will also include members handing in their three images. So start looking for your best images (mix and match to suit your best images) depicting ‘General’, ‘Streetscene’ themes & ‘Monochrome’. We’ll be announcing further details soon. Your competition images can be in portrait or landscape format, A3 or A4 . But no A3+ sizes this year please as Ray & his cohorts will be mounting these exhibition prints for later display on our newly bought display boards.

Wendy 3

If you couldn’t attend the March meeting, you missed a visual feast and lots of information, as we had our Middle East expats Paul McGreavy and Wendy Butler who’ve returned hot foot from their time in Oman. Wendy spent the first half of the evening showing us how she combined her love of  painting (using mixed media) with photography, using ‘Irfan View’.

I was really looking forward to this presentation, as when I was assembling images for Roger Moore and the 2014 YearBook and opened Wendy’s submission I was metaphorically speaking, blown away by the image Wendy had submitted.  Wendy 6And now I know how Wendy turned her two different artistic talents into the image. Which led me to ask Wendy & Paul to visit us, so Christine & I could see more of her work. I can’t relate how Wendy used Irfan View, as I was too captivated to take notes. But three of Wendy’s images, incorporated into this post will speak louder than my words.

Then Paul, who admitted to being fascinated by desserts and the Middle East since he’d read Seven Pillars of Wisdom when he was a youngster, gave us his presentation. Some time ago Paul was given the opportunity to work in the Oman and Paul grasped this opportunity with both hands.

Paul 3Paul’s talks about Oman, his travels around the country, and of course the people, held everyone’s attention. If you weren’t at the meeting you’ll just have to take my word – but you missed some great images and a fascinating talk.




Synopsis of Thursday Feb 11th 2016 meeting.

February’s meeting was a very successful members’ meeting looking at images relating to Street Scenes. 11 members submitted 118 images for appraisal and there were plenty of interesting comments from club members! All the images were well received and the evening went very quickly. These images were from….

Hazel Watson “Bikes”.


Les Nixon “Bus”


Roger Moore “couple”



Announcements on the evening included reminding members about the AV night on Friday 25 March 2016 at 7.30pm at YHA Losehill Hall, Castleton. Roger Moore showed us examples and spoke about the new 2015 Year Book available via Ian Ord on email. Kate also told the club about the Inter Club Digital Knockout Competition at St Luke’s Church, Sheffield, on Saturday 2 April, 7.15 for 7.30pm and whether we want to enter this year. The general feeling from the club was yes we do want to enter and the committee will select an entry from the submitted entries.

Synopsis of Thursday Jan 14 2016 meeting.

Images by Kate Brown     

This was the club’s first meeting of 2016, I’ll post a copy of the coming year’s programme on 3 Katethe website in the next few days. It was also Jason’s last meeting of 2015 as chairman and (following AGM formalities) Kate’s new year as chairman. Jason covered the many highlights of his year and handed over to President Peter, who conducted the AGM.

The most relevant points discussed during the AGM covered the fact that the committee felt that: 1. The club should now have third party insurance; 2. That members should consider the club being affiliated, through the North & East Midlands Photographic Federation (N&EMPF) organisation with the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB). Membership gives third party insurance cover at a discount, and significantly lower than is available on the open market. Affiliation also means that we have access to a range of talented photographers and speakers, who will not charge fees, instead only charging travelling expenses, when they make a presentation to our club. In addition we can obtain CD’s for use at club meetings; attend various meetings organised though the PAGB; enter into regional competitions; obtain advice and apply for photographic qualifications; etc. Members considered the proposal and voted to accept the committee’s recommendations.

1 Kate

I gave a pen-portrait of our income and expenditure for the year, making comparisons with the previous financial year. I recommended that annual subscriptions be increased by £2 p.a. to £24 and that visitor’s fees be raised from £3 to £4. It is hoped that the increased income will allow us (over time) to purchase a new projector. As the club’s projector doesn’t do justice to our images – the difference between the images on the computer screen and those projected are startling!

2 KateOur chairman for 2016, Kate,  gave a short introductory speech and reminded members that the window for members to submit their 2105 YearBook image to Roger Moore is soon to close. Instructions on how to pass these images to either Roger or me are shown at the header of this website. Keith ran through the programme for 2016, and reminded members that if they wanted to submit up to five compressed (1-1.5Mb) images covering the theme of street-scenes, email them to him, or pass them over via a memory stick. These images will be shown during February’s meeting and will gave an ideal opportunity for feedback, prior to this year’s annual competition. This year’s themes are Street-scenes, General and Monochrome (B&W). Then our new chairman Kate showed a range of images she’d taken over thKate - Liverpoole past year – four examples are incorporated within this web-post


Synopsis of 12th Nov 2015 meeting

Our Chairman, Jason opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and covered the following:

  • The next informal evening will be at The Angler’s Rest. David Allwood will announce the date of the evening in the near future, but it’s likely to be Jan or Feb 2016. The theme will be ‘Weather’, so start looking for weather images. Our last theme evening at the Angler’s Rest was ‘Movement’. Check out a selection of these images by clicking here:
  • We are going to continue with the tradition of having a YearBook covering a favourite image taken by (hopefully) each member during the current year. Roger Moore will send an email to each member in the near future. I’ll place instructions on our website. Members should think about the image they’d like to have in the 2015 YearBook. The deadline for submitting your favourite image (preferably taken during 2015) is 17th January 2016;
  • This year’s Christmas party will be on 10th December 2015, at the YHA’s Losehill Hall, Castleton Road, It’s a fantastic location, set in the grounds of a palatial old hall. I’ve shown the menu at the bottom of this post. So if you haven’t submitted your order, print out the menu and send your order to Erica;
  • Ian Stanyon has volunteered to dress the Christmas tree at Castleton with small Christmas tags; with each tag containing a printed image submitted by many  C&HVPS members. Make sure you checkout the tree and Ian’s hard work;
  • Equally, why don’t you checkout the display of member’s images Ray Fowler has put in the Evelyn Medical Centre, Marsh Lane, Hope. Ray’s mounted these images on our new 120 degree six sided display board;
  • Sheffield PS is holding an exhibition at Sheffield’s Winter Gardens. The exhibition finishes on 15th November – so there’s not much time left;
  • The Rotary Club of Hope Valley is holding a Grand Christmas Charity Concert at Hope Valley College on the evening of Friday 27th Tickets are £10 each. Contact Keith Brown for tickets or further information.

Synopsis of 9th Oct 2015 meeting.

Our Chairman, Jason opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and covered the following:

  • Sheffield City Council have organised a Cityscapes photography day, commencing at 1000 Saturday 10th This may be an opportunity to prepare for taking some Streetscene images for our 2016 competition! Contact Ian Stanyon for further details.
  • Ray Fowler will be arranging for some of the print images, loaned by him to by members, to be displayed for one week at Hope’s Evelyn Medical Centre. Ray will use our newly purchased boards to display these mainly A3 printed images. There’s a possibility that these boards and printed images will then be displayed in Hathersage’s Medical Centre.
  • A new venue for our 2015 Christmas Party – Losehill Hall – set midway between Hope and Castleton! A few weeks ago I (Ian O) met the manager, Alistair and ‘sounded out’ the venue, facilities, price options, menu options, etc. Later Jason and Erica visited so that they could approve the venue and facilities. In the near future Erica will email all members giving further details, including a menu with choices (including vegetarian options).
  • Roger has once again kindly agreed to compile and format script, etc., to enable us to have yet another YearBook. There’ll be a slight change to this year’s format to further improve the visual impact. The ‘landscape’ format of the book will favour this format, but don’t let this put you off from submitting your entry in a ‘portrait’ format. It’s hoped that each member will submit an image taken in 2015 OR members could use the image they used for our New York – C&HVPS photo exchange (I have a database of all of these images).
  • If you’d like an updated head and shoulders passport style photograph to be used for the upcoming Yearbook OR if you are a new member and I don’t have a copy of your photograph, please email this image to me. In the near future Jason will arrange for an email, giving detailed information, to be sent to all members.

The main event of the evening was an exhibition of some 90 digital images and 6 printed images. Jason, Kate and Keith gave an appraisal of the images. The evening gave an opportunity for our most accomplished photographers to share (up to 6) of their favourite images. Whilst aspiring members who haven’t such experience or technical skills were able to receive positive feedback and advice on the images shown.

Lytro a new way of thinking about photography

I thought I would share this here as an example of how things are moving on. they are not meant to be particularly good examples of photography, more a representation of a new way of thinking about photography and how technology keeps changing and how we need to keep re-evaluating how we think about photography.


you can read more about the lytro Illum here and see some better examples from more accomplished photographers than myself by following this link here